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A Southeastern Blitzkrieg
About Germany's civil war and the origins of the term Blitzkrieg
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A Southeastern Blitzkrieg

The term Blitzkrieg was used primarily by journalists in connection with Nazi Germany's brutal and sudden invasion of Poland in 1939. Few may know however, that the word had been mentioned already about 4 years earlier in a German military publication called Deutsche Wehr. Author von Schwichow wrote a short essay in the May 1935 issue with elaborations on nutrition and food supply. He argued, among other things, that a sudden and rapid attack by enemy forces on Germany - not vice versa - which he, as one of the first ever, betitled in writing with the term Blitzkrieg, could potentially lead to a devastating food situation in Germany.

About 90 years later, in the early weeks of 2024, a kind of blitzkrieg must have been launched against two politically unruly and rebellious German states in the southeast, Thuringia and Saxony. The first signs of a coming lightning strike were already visible at the end of November 2023, when the former head of the German Bishops' Conference, Cardinal Reinhard Marx of Munich, openly declared that any member of the populist party AfD, which was gaining massive votes especially in the two southeastern German states of Thuringia and Saxony, could "not really be accepted in the Catholic Church". Other religious leaders quickly joined in.

The religiously inspired blitzkrieg fully ignited a few weeks later, when a well-known AfD politician named Bjoern Hoecke from Thuringa gave a speech in January 2024, right after the Christmas holiday break. In his home district in the city of Gera, Hoecke's AfD chose the local Volkshalle for his presentation. The spartanly furnished hall was packed with mostly older, conservative voters, a mixture of people with extremely short haircuts and hope for a change in the system - the atmosphere reminiscent of black-and-white films from the mid-1920s. Outside on the other side of the street, leftist demonstrators, allowed to display small Hakenkreuz symbols on their many Nazi-trashing banners, screamed and yelled in a mix of rainbowed long hair with highly feminist-aggressive eyes, mostly buried under black hoodies.

Demonstrators outside of AfD event on January 18, 2024

In Gera's Volkshalle, Hoecke precedes his speech with a short film about the effects of a nearby migrant center. After entering the hall to a standing ovation, he first greeted teams of reporters from Switzerland and Japan - the farther away they were, the more excited the crowd became about their presence, without really knowing what exactly they were going to report on. Hoecke clearly dissociates himself from any national-socialist agendas and equally clearly criticizes the demonstrators on the other side of the street who compare him and his followers to the Nazis or their political views. When he mentions that in the unlikely event that he ever becomes Chancellor of Germany, his first visit would be to Vladimir Putin in Moscow instead of Washington, DC, the crowd cheers. He goes on to explain at great length the failures of the current political class in Germany and Europe, cites some truly vicious persecutions against himself, and concludes that in his view Germany is no longer a true democracy.

AfD politician Bjoern Hoecke in Gera, Thuringa on January 18, 2024

The many mainstream journalists are beginning to grin and have probably already decided to cut this very sentence out of Hoecke's ongoing speech in order to immediately forward it to their chief editors in Berlin, Bern and the Bahamas. Meanwhile, Hoecke is throwing bigger and bigger red blankets for angry mainstream media and political observer bulls when he elaborates on "political cartel parties" in Germany. He mentions the term Deep State several times, talks about Victoria Nuland on a personal level and explains why Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries ruled by the DC establishment and BlackRock. The obligation of each German to pay hundreds of millions in taxpayer money each year to state-media outlets should be abandoned, he wishes truly independent journalists all the best for their future. Which, knowingly or not, most likely puts Bjoern Hoecke on the exact same transatlantic soft execution list that Wikileaks founder Julian Assange was and still is. As if that were not enough, he declares that once he and his AfD are in power, he will make sure that Germany leaves the EU, possibly also NATO. He declares that he would introduce legislation so that the parents of every newborn baby in Thuringa would receive a total of 20,000 Euros over a number of years. For him there are only two sexes, men and women.

From a truly neutral political point of view, there was nothing really extremely radical right-wing, and even less past national-socialistic in Hoecke's speech (**). Much more important than his eruptive outbursts were the group dynamics of the crowd. They stomped their feet at every trigger phrase, clapped at Hoecke's rhetorics, and loudly booed out the mainstream press when they confronted Hoecke after his speech with various questions, such as why he would "even consider visiting the war-monger Putin".

The timing of Hoecke's speech does not help either. Precisely at the same time of his people's hall speech in a building also used by the region's local communist party for their meetings and rallies, the world's globalists mingle in Davos, Switzerland, to discuss their agenda for 2024. Corporate titans announced also there in the Swiss Alps that the entire region of Thuringia plus Saxony and even all of Germany should be "extremely careful" not to be left behind economically once the AfD party gains political power. The CEO of Munich-based Allianz AG spoke in Davos about the upcoming EU elections in mid 2024 and stated, quote, "we need to make sure that people vote the way we want them to (!), and not just venting anger".

We need to make sure that people vote the way we want them to, and not just venting anger.

Allianz AG CEO Oliver Bäte in Davos on January 16, 2024

Shortly thereafter, hundreds of thousands of people marched in Germany's streets to demand the "protection of democracy" and the "eradication of Nazis", while demanding the sudden banning of Germany's populist AfD party, which has been around for more than 10 years and is only now beginning to seriously gain political power. Hoecke should be deprived of his constitutionally guaranteed state and human rights, according to various petitions signed by hundreds of thousands of people on the initiative of various very government-funded NGOs.

Meanwhile, opposition politicians not only in Hoecke's home district have no interest whatsoever in calming the political polarization in Germany, which is probably at the dawn of where the Spanish Civil War was some 90 years ago. Local politician Elisabeth Kaiser, who was elected as a Social Democrat and thus diametrically opposed to the AfD in Bjoern Hoecke's home district, brushes off any idea of real political hard work and refuses to sit down with him for any kind of political debate. "We tried that before, it got us nowhere", she says. When asked if she should perhaps reevaluate the outcome of such meetings and just try to engage with him through dialogue, she points to Germany's highly politicized Constitutional Police or Verfassungsschutz, which she claims "has a case to dismantle the AfD entirely".

Social-democrat Elisabeth Kaiser in the city of Gera on January 27, 2024

The background was a meeting of a handful of AfD higher-ups in November 2023 in Berlin-Potsdam. At the Villa Adlon location, AfD folks were discussing among other how to get millions of what they consider "illegal migrants" return to their homelands. It was Germany's Verfassungsschutz Constitutional Police who wiretapped the conversations there in Potsdam, only to literally hours later leak a few juicy sentences of the AfD group to NGO status-like and government-funded writers platform Correctiv. Which bombarded the public with the narrative and at least partially fake news that these AfD folks were openly discussing a "deportation of non-white residents" from Germany. Weeks later, Correctiv quietly and calmly began to explain that the word 'deportation' was probably a bit over-exaggerated, and was eventually made up in a big hurry.

Sort of like in the original meaning of the term Blitzkrieg from 1935, and probably even more so before among the Allied forces of the First World War in alignment with the German Kaiser, who fled into exile in 1919.


On May 15, 2024, three weeks before the 2024 EU elections, Bjoern Hoecke is sentenced to a fine of 13,000 euros by the Halle district court for using the slogan “everything for Merseburg, everything for Saxony-Anhalt, everything for Germany” in one of his speeches from two years ago(!) in 2021 in Merseburg. Both Hoecke and the Hell-a public prosecutor's office have announced to appeal the decision. The defense warned that it was not Hoecke, but a public prosecutor's office bundled with the mass media machine, who had ensured that many people are now aware of the former Nazi-SA slogan "all for Germany".

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This article was entirely created and written by Martin D., an accredited and independent, investigative journalist from Europe. He holds an MBA from a US University and a Bachelor Degree in Information Systems and had worked early in his career as a consultant in the US and EU. He does not work for, does not consult, does not own shares in or receives funding from any corporation or organisation that would benefit from this article so far.

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