Another episode of the 'Wirecard Sacked' podcast, this season 1 is about detailed insider accounts of the proceedings in Munich's Stadelheim prison courtroom that have been going on for well over a year.
This is the third episode about the Wirecard trial, more will follow every 2 to 3 days.
The millionaire lawyer image (→ 01:30)
Hey guys, this is about the biggest financial scandal (→ 02:22)
What the defense presented there was fitting (→ 03:49)
The witnesses of the special commission (→ 04:34)
I had sent a desperate e-mail (→ 05:27)
This company in Hong Kong (→ 07:38)
This is about 340 millions (→ 08:25)
The late financial transaction data and foreign accounts (→ 09:47)
It gets even more scandalous (→ 11:07)
Were you at James Freis' interrogation? (→ 11:48)
Season 1, Episode 3
Wirecard Sacked - The Court Proceeding
Jörg - longtime Wirecard expert and investigator
Martin - Investigative lead at Sun24 News and Wirecard expert
Organization and realization:
Martin D. / Sun24 News
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This article was entirely created and written by Martin D., an accredited and independent, investigative journalist from Europe. He holds an MBA from a US University and a Bachelor Degree in Information Systems and had worked early in his career as a consultant in the US and EU. He does not work for, does not consult, does not own shares in or receives funding from any corporation or organisation that would benefit from this article so far.
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