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The Thing With the Bread
About pyramid priesthoods and the history of bread
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The Thing With the Bread

#Catholic   #Rome   #Bible  
Not too many are familiar with the way bread was invented. Some 20,000 years ago, humans found out that pulverised wheat mixed with liquid would turn into a solid crust when placed near the fire. Such flat breads were instrumental in motivating humans to settle some 10,000 years ago rather than continuing to move around, since bread was one of the major reasons why humans would seed, grow, and harvest wheat near their preferred place of living from now on. Soon, bread itself was elevated by inventing the sourdough. Probably out of coincidence, a busy worker in ancient Egypt left the slushy wheat mix in the sun for a while. Instead of being thrown away, it was mixed with the regular wheat porridge and, surprisingly, created probably the first voluminously grown bread loaf after being placed under heated pots.

A Pharaoh's Bread


Some 20,000 years ago, humans found out that pulverised wheat mixed with liquid would turn into a solid crust when placed near the fire. Probably out of coincidence, a busy worker in Egypt left the slushy wheat mix in the sun for a while, it was mixed with the regular wheat and created a first voluminously grown bread loaf. Egyptians were meanwhile taught by their pharaohs that bread was a divine gift from high heaven. Pharaohs were also undisputed ruler over their people; not only an emperor of the state, but also half God, half human, who partly also ruled over the provision of food.

Greek Ascensions


Around 600 BC, a new culture rose in the North, giving birth to an entirely new way of thinking with many cultural and technological innovations. The Greek conquered half of the known world and had a different view on religion. Egypt gradually declined, also with the birth of the Roman empire, which viewed bread as a heavenly gift as well, like Egyptian pharaohs.

Hebrew Translations


Around 300 BC, one of the last pharaohs named Ptolemy Philadelphus II. wanted the Jews to have their Hebrew Thora scriptures be translated into Greek, the most common language in the Mediterranean by then. He engaged 70 translators who supposedly and highly allegedly came up with 70 identical Greek translations of the old testament, which is why these first Greek old testament scriptures are called 'Septuagint' until today, the Greek word for seventy.

Caesar and Cleopatra


Roman emperor Caesar had an affair with Egypt's Cleopatra, she gave birth to a son named Caesarion as a result of this relationship. In 44 BC, Caesar was murdered in Rome. Cleopatra went back to Alexandria with Caesarion when Caesar's grand-nephew Octavius was made new emperor; she would begin an affair with another powerful Roman: Marc Antony, who became Caesarion's stepfather. Octavius conquered Alexandria in 30 BC. Cleopatra and Antony killed themselves or were murdered, Caesarion likely escaped to the East.

Sinai Pilgrims


Around year null, many pilgrims, most likely leaving or escaping just made Roman province Egypt, gathered around monastery St. Catherine on Sinai. They debated and scripted some of the first new testament Gospels in the Old Syrian language. The leather-paper was rewritten on centuries later, only recently could the hidden original lines be made visible.

The Epiousios


Years later, the Syrian scriptures were translated into Greek, another years later into Latin. The Greek original texts use the word 'epiousios', a word never found in the entire Greek language sphere before, which was mistranslated as being a simple bread in almost all Latin+ Bible translations.

The first to delusionally label bread as a gift from heaven instead of teaching its long history and gradual improvements were Egyptians as well, however. Egyptians believed that any pharaoh - a word which translates into "high house" - was an undisputed ruler over its people; not only an emperor of the state, but also half God, half human. He or she was also viewed as the single only mediator between ordinary people and hundreds of distinct Egyptian Gods, a pharaoh was literally sitting at the top of a pyramidically shaped social and religious structure. Following the death of a pharaoh, Egyptians believed he or she would transform into a full God, eventually be punished in the afterlife with the crimes committed to the people before death. The control and provision of food was also an integral part of a pharaoh's population control, and spreading the faked bread news, sometimes also with brute force, was an important and likewise genius move to maintain the rather ill-motivated disbelieve in an automated God-like status back then.

Meanwhile, along with the innovation of more than 30 different types of bread over time, Egypt was to become the world's most advanced culture, attracting migrants in search of labor from neighbouring regions in Persia and Arabia. These migrants had to accept the partly harsh Egyptian pyramidical laws and rules in order to climb the social ladder. Many did, also an ethnic group from Canaan called the Hyksos, who migrated in larger numbers to then technologically advanced Egypt starting around 1800 BC. Contrary to many fairy tale stories which could at least potentially be considered fake news, these Hyksos, a tribe from an old South Arabian region known as Semitic who would later change their name to Hebrews, were among those who were able to climb Egypt's social ladder rather quickly. They were even able to control parts of the Eastern Nile region for around 200 years and were portrayed by Egyptians mostly as "bloodthirsty and oppressive foreign rulers" before being expelled from their land around 1400 BC.

While Egypt continued to flourish with partly great achievements after some brief periods of foreign rule, the development of a new culture in the North starting from the year 600 BC gradually became the death blow to ancient Egypt. The Greeks conquered not only half of the known world, but contributed significantly to the gradual decline of Egypt's culture and society. They also gave birth to a radically new way of thinking, also in and through a new linguistic structure that reflected abstract thoughts, a concept entirely new back then.

Egyptian Pharaoh
The Greek's view of religion was different from those of the Egyptians in two key areas. While Egyptian Gods were attributed mostly natural phenomena like the rising of the sun and its path over the horizon, Greek Gods were attributed abstract concepts like the ocean, and also many human emotions and feelings.

Most importantly however, and sort of a religious revolution back then, Greeks resisted the idea of an indisputable half-God-half-human figure at the top of a pyramidical structure as the single only mediator between people and their Gods. The consequence of this difference cannot be emphasised more; an extremely important and rather radical step rarely elaborated on, maybe because many scholars continue to eat way too much bread nowadays.
Most importantly however, and sort of a religious revolution back then, Greeks resisted the idea of an indisputable half-God-half-human figure at the top of a pyramidical structure as the single only mediator between people and their Gods. 
The abolishment of a single pharaoh mediator between people and their Gods must have felt like a total declaration of war to the entire Egyptian social and religious fabric back then. What's more, many Greek writers and high-priests would tell in their semi-religious scriptures how their Gods would suddenly be allowed to having partly funny and even scandalous relationships among themselves, joyfully and jealously plotting against each other while falling in love with someone else, in some cases even with human beings.

Most scholars interpret biblical texts, particularly those of the new testament, in an overly emotional fairy tale state without ever connecting to the turbulent culture wars that raged at that time. While the Greek culture continued to substitute the ancient language and culture spaces of the past, the region around what is Rome today continued to absorb many of the Greek fundaments. Rome came up with even more far reaching cultural and technological innovations, through them waging more war not only against ancient cultures,

Pope John II.
but also against the Greeks themselves now. Similar to the Greeks, the majority of Romans believed in an entire set of many Gods in the empire's beginning, attributing even each of the sky's planets to a God. Romans also had many high-priests instead of just one intermediary. Egypt's ancient and strict view of a pyramidical single God-mediator ruler at the top was clearly under attack on two fronts, lead by the Greeks and the Romans now.

Ironically, one of ancient Egypt's last weapons may have been bread. While the Greeks were more or less immune to the last few pharaoh's lies about bread being a divine gift that had fallen from high heaven, the Romans mysteriously - and from the beginning - considered bread a heavenly gift of highly religious character as well. Romans were reportedly also the ones who invented the first windmills, which produced a much finer wheat in larger amounts. White bread was eaten by wealthy Romans, the nutriciously richer dark bread was for the poor, since it had to be eaten less frequently than white bread.

Gradually over the centuries, Egypt lost its status as the preferred choice for migrants amidst its waning culture, even highly integrated ethnic groups slowly began moving back to their roots, to the West, or North in search of fortune and labor. One of these groups were the Hebrews, who meanwhile became a preferred migrant group again for one of Egypt's last pharaoh ruler Ptolemy Philadelphus II around the year 300 BC. Since Greek had become the language of choice in the entire Mediterranean, this Ptolemy Philadelphus II wanted the Jews to have their original Hebrew scriptures translated into Greek for conservation reasons; also for a master project in Alexandria, where the Greeks established a famous library with the aim of keeping a copy of any book in the known world.

According to a rather strange legend, Ptolemy would hire 70 translators, ordering them to each work independently translating the mostly Hebrew Thora texts. They finished their work a little later, highly allegedly and at the same time truly magically coming up with 70 entirely identical translations of the old testament scriptures back then, which is why until today these original Greek scriptures are called 'Septuagint', the Greek word for seventy. Hard-core Catholics, Evangelists and many Protestants attribute this to an interesting fairy tale concept they betitle with 'biblical infallibility', meaning any written text can be flawed, even this one you are reading, but certainly not the bible and its categorisations. Such constructs, upheld and dragged over many centuries, can be regarded as early socio-political censorship, deliberately and purposefully drowning discussions and a deeper understanding of the scripture's origins with rather brute spiritual force. They could potentially also put Martin Luther's vicious and irrational 16th century persecutions by the Catholic church in an entirely new light.

Historically verifiable happenings from ancient Egypt reveal that quite a few biblical stories correlate significantly with hieroglyph scripted incidents of pharaoh's and their heirs. One of them is particularly interesting. Roman emperor Julius Ceasar met Egypt's famous Cleopatra in 48 BC, they had an affair and Cleopatra gave birth to a son named Caesarion from that relationship. Four years later, Ceasar was murdered in Rome. Cleopatra waited in Rome for little Caesarion to be made his father's heir, only to find out that Ceasar's grand-nephew Octavius was chosen as Rome's new emperor, probably with decisive Roman-political support. The emperor's succession line was a serious and potentially deadly thing back then, so Cleopatra returned to safe haven Alexandria with Caesarion, where Cleopatra would begin an affair with another powerful Roman: Marc Antony.

Young Egyptian ruler
with Greek/Roman character,
potentially Caesarion
Antony became Caesarion's stepfather in Alexandria, he redirected Roman land to Egypt and gave Libya, Cyprus, plus parts of Syria to Cleopatra and co-ruler Caesarion. Marc Antony drew even more anger from the Roman empire when Caesarion was named a 'King of Kings' and even announced as Ceasar's true son and heir of Rome at an official ceremony. Octavius and Rome were furious, by early 30 BC Alexandria was conquered. Cleopatra and Marc Antony killed themselves and Egypt was made one of Rome's provinces since.

Caesarion, however, fled before Octavius' army had reached Egyptian shores, he most likely went East. While on route, he was not shy about proclaiming "his father owned an empire", that he was to "inherit his father's kingdom" which "stretched out over the entire world". Octavius sent troops, most likely over the river Nile and then Sinai, to follow and capture Caesarion - not Moses. Caesarion was highly allegedly killed by Roman soldiers still in 30 BC. There is reason to believe that he most likely lived for many years in Persia, carefully shielding his identity while at the same time hinting at people in his surrounding that he is the true son of both, a God and an Emperor, and would inherit a kingdom. The Romans meanwhile urgently needed to convince the public they had gotton gotten rid of the Caesarion problem. In order to state an example for other Roman province rulers, the soldiers were most likely ordered to apply one of the most brutal ways of murdering people around year null: the nailing on, erection of, and slow death on a wooden cross; a gruel murderous torture proceeding otherwise called crucifixion, performed on many in the Roman Reich.

Strangely and coincidentally, right in the middle of Egypt's life threatening situation around year zero, a number of gatherings by pilgrims who passed through Sinai - most likely on their escape route leaving recently Roman made province Egypt urgently - marked the beginning of another pyramidical top-ruler rescue operation.

Early scriptures under UV blue filter
And it needed to be a major one, if Egypt's long-lasting influence was to keep having an impact in the world. The ancient empire's constructions and cities could be falling apart, Egypt conquered by Rome and its political influence waning, but saving its core pyramidical top-down one God-mediator hierarchy needed to be uphold at all and any cost, it seemed.

The oldest Christian monastery St. Catherine in Sinai has managed to conserve a number of scriptures, considered the oldest known New Testament rolls. The leather-paper used in the 3rd and 4th century were re-scripted on centuries later, only with high-tech equipment could the hidden text lines be fully uncovered in recent years. Surprisingly, the oldest known New Testament Gospels so far containing the story of Jesus Christ were not written in Aramaic, Hebrew or Greek, but in the Old Syrian (!) language.
Surprisingly, the oldest known New Testament Gospels so far containing the story of Jesus Christ were not written in Aramaic, Hebrew or Greek, but in the Old Syrian (!) language. Many years later, these would be translated into Greek, once again many years later from Greek into Latin. 
Many years later, these would be translated into Greek, once again many years later from Greek into Latin. St. Catherine monastery also keeps interesting paper rolls which tell how pilgrims regularly mingled at the monastery in the 1st century to allegedly discuss the teachings of Jesus Christ, long before the Old Syrian rolls were drafted. Since bread had always been an object of religious determination after Egyptian pharaohs considered it a gift from heaven, some heirs of these very first pilgrims, drafting their elaborations on paper rolls at or near St. Catherine monastery around year 0, clearly oversaw a major mistake when translating the Greek Gospels into Latin, however.

There are two passages of the 'Our Father' prayer in the ancient New Testament paper rolls, one in Luke, and one in the Gospel of Matthew. The Greek original scriptures from the 4th century clearly mention the exact same word 'epiousios' in both, Luke and Matthew for the passage where an alleged 'daily bread' is mentioned that is to be 'given to us'. This same Greek word 'epiousios' in both Gospels is a combination of the Greek word 'epi' (meaning 'for regular') and 'ousios' (meaning 'being of substance'). The word was never found anywhere in the entire Greek language space before the scripting of the Greek Gospel texts in the 3rd century. It refers not to bread, as falsely stated in literally all subsequent Latin+ bible translations, but rather to a 'regular thing of substance', which may have little to none connection to bread whatsoever.

It would not be surprising to find out that the Catholic church, meanwhile elevated as Rome's de facto state religion by emperor Constantine in the 4th century AD, came up with the idea of fixing their priesthood to the handout of such plain and simple bread at about the same year the Latin translations were done in error. Which may have even inspired the crazy idea of selling their religious members that priests could "transform" such bread in a hocus pocus act into the "flesh of Jesus Christ" during the center act of Catholic mass celebrations. Just before the priest only - and maybe some carefully selected bread providers - were allowed to be the intermediaries between the Saints and God on one side, and the people on the other.

Almost like pharaohs in ancient Egypt.

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This article was entirely created and written by Martin D., an accredited and independent, investigative journalist from Europe. He holds an MBA from a US University and a Bachelor Degree in Information Systems and had worked early in his career as a consultant in the US and EU. He does not work for, does not consult, does not own shares in or receives funding from any corporation or organisation that would benefit from this article so far.

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