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Arabella's Advice
About a political network funded with billions and an opera by Richard Strauss
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Rather few will know an opera by Richard Strauss named Arabella, which was first performed in 1933 in Dresden, Germany. The opera story is about two sisters of marriageable age and in search of noble husbands, finding themselves realizing that their chosen men are not really paying attention to them. Therefore, one sister secretly begins to write love letters in the name of her sister, leading to much confusion but ultimately to a happy ending.

Such an Arabella advice no longer seems to be reduced to the stage of a theater, because an extensive, dark network for left-wing political causes was exposed in early 2019. Rarely has such an extensive network been exposed like that of an organisation called Arabella Advisors, headquartered in Washington, DC.

DC. The organisation manages the four non-profits New Venture Fund, Sixteen Thirty Fund, Hopewell Fund and Windward Fund. From 2013 until 2017, Arabella Advisors reported revenues of around $1.6 billion US Dollars. The company claims to have carried out projects with assets of more than $100 billion (not million) million !) US Dollars since 2005.

The list of Arabella Advisors sponsored sub-organizations is long. Insiders will recognize the one or other name. Some of the supported subgroups are utilized to terrorise conservative journalists in the US, to organize counter-demonstrations for any imaginable conservative event, and also to bully individuals.

A few of the supported groups work closely with the mainstream media, church organisations are part of it as well.
In 2014, Arabella Advisors was able to have 4,000 criminals released from prisons in California. Some of their supported groups work closely with the mainstream media, even religious church organisations are partners. A list of Arabella Advisor's directly or indirectly supported organisations include:
Bread for the World
Battle Born Progress
Church World Service
Tides Organisation
German Marshall Fund of the USA
Planned Parenthood
Rockefeller Foundation
Open Society Foundation
Atlantic Philantropies

Arabella Advisors donor recipients and/or grantees

Arabella Advisors is also indrectly connected via the Sixteen Thirty Fund to only nine employees counting Center for Community Action (CCA), which directly supports the Tides Foundation.

The Tides Foundation in turn links to an extraordinary US American non-profit named "Center for American Progress" (CAP), founded in 2003 by John Podesta to prevent George W. Bush from winning a second US presidential term in 2004. Podesta, a close aid and advisor to former US president Barack Obama who visted the White House way over 100 times,
established close ties to his own Podesta Group, which represented GE owned media company NBC. Podesta's Center for American Progress had founding support from the Sandler Foundation, from George Soros personally, from Soros' Open Society Foundation and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, among others. Corporate CAP supporters include Bank of America, Blackstone, Apple, Facebook, Northrop Grumman, Daimler, T-Mobile, Walmart, Coca-Cola, Microsoft, Google, even Taiwan's Economic Office in DC. Bill Clinton donated personally, the Chan Zuckerberg Foundation gave major donations as well. CAP's president was Patrick Gaspard, a former Open Society Foundation president. Hillary Clinton's left hand aligned advisor Neera Tanden, nominated to head the US Office of Budget and Management in 2021, served as CAP's CEO. Noteworthy
is also that CAP had received $2.5 million USD from the United Arab Emirates.

Above mentioned Tides Foundation, indirectly linked to Arabella Advisors via the 'Center for Community Action', is also
connected to an organisation with the name Council named "Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR). CAIR is Relations" (CAIR), a group worth investigating taking a closer look at since it has ties to the Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood, as explained in the following video:

Hillary Clinton had also supported the above mentioned 'Center for Community Action' with $1.75 million in 2016 via her organisation Priorities USA in order to influence the latino vote. George Soros' Open Society Foundation added another $1.5 million back then as well.

The Atlantic Philantropies fund was also part of the campaign in 2016, an organisation that had spend over $8 billions billion (not millions million !) since its foundation for left-wing causes in the USA, Australia, Bermuda, Cuba, South-Africa, Vietnam, and also for Northern Ireland and Ireland, in the latter country mainly in order to promote gay marriage.

Germany has a geographical connection to the name Arabella as well, which is probably more coincidential than intended. Munich has an Arabella-Park nearby the Sheraton Hotel. The Clintons were enjoying Munich as well during their Octoberfest visit in 2018,where they met with royal family members from Germany and the UK - and also with the Rothschilds.

Estimated wealth of the Rothschild family: $2 trillion ($2,000,000,000,000)
Year 0
$1 million per day
$738 billion
$2 tr.

One can only speculate about the degree of influence the Rothschilds impose on politics and society, some claim the wealth of the family to exceed $2 trillion US Dollars, an almost breathtakingly large sum. If someone would receive every single day (not week or month) $1 million US Dollars since the cruzification of Christ at around the year 30 0 until today in the year 2024, this person would have been able to receive only a little more than one-third of the $2 trillion so far.

Incidentally, the very first Octoberfest in Munich was once a celebration of the newly wed Bavarian king and his princess. Just like in Richard Strauss' opera Arabella, where the two noble daughters were married as well in at the end.

Did they live happily ever after ?

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This article was entirely created and written by Martin D., an accredited and independent, investigative journalist from Europe. He holds an MBA from a US University and a Bachelor Degree in Information Systems and had worked early in his career as a consultant in the US and EU. He does not work for, does not consult, does not own shares in or receives funding from any corporation or organisation that would benefit from this article so far.

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