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Magic Pav
About a Wirecard whistleblower and magic law firms
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Magic Pav

Famous US entertainment emperor Walter "Walt" Disney was a huge fan of Bavaria and Germany. In 1935, he traveled to Germany and Bavaria and was so impressed by Neuschwanstein Castle - or New Swan Castle - near Munich that he later had a replica built for the entrance to his giant entertainment park in the US. The entry castle also became Disney's official logo, betitled with the marketing slogan "The world's most magical celebration". Adolf Hitler, former art student whose application to study at Vienna's Academy of Arts was rejected in 1907, apparently in turn became a huge fan of Walt Disney when he visited Munich and Berlin in 1935. Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels gave Hitler a collection of Disney shorts for Christmas 1937, as Goebbels recalled in his diary: "I'm giving the Fuehrer 32 great movies from the past 4 years and 12 Mickey Mouse films with a wonderful art album for Christmas. He is very fond if it. He's very happy about this precious treasure, which will hopefully give him a lot of joy and relaxation."


Like many tourists, famous Wirecard whistleblower Pavandeep "Pav" Gill may have had the opportunity to visit at least the original Neuschwanstein Castle in Bavaria after his visit to Wirecard's headquarters near Munich. Pav entered the world stage in May 2021, when the Financial Times first reported on Wirecard's former Senior Legal Counsel for the Asia-Pacific region. Less than a year before, the entire Wirecard organization was pushed into insolvency two weeks after CEO Dr. Markus Braun had been replaced by interim CEO James Freis on June 18, 2020. Literally every major financial newspaper and magazine tuned in to the global celebration of Pav Gill in mid-2021. Sky had completed filming a documentary by that time, movie trailers were being distributed around the world by May 20, 2021. Munich was carefully and strategically chosen as the city to premiere the film in a small theater. The movie trailer, seen by many millions around the world, shows Pav Gill looking into the camera, saying, quote, "I was the one behind exposing this company".

Such high-flying claims were never really looked at closely in the midst of all the coordinated mainstream hype in mid 2021. Pav Gill was hired by Wirecard in 2017 as a senior legal advisor, bound by an employment contract that certainly prohibited him from disclosing confidential company information to the public. After receiving reports from local accountants in Asia about illegal invoicing and accounting practices, he informed Wirecard in Aschheim, where he was told to stay put and wait for management's response. Gill alleges that he never received any real feedback from corporate headquarters to address the issues. He was then targeted by Wirecard's Asian managers and received a warning call from someone with a Munich phone number, which he says he cannot verify to this day. This mysterious person calling from Munich magically advised him not to make a certain Wirecard-related business trip in Asia because he would allegedly "not be coming back", so Gill claims.

Pav Gill soon decided to quit his job at Wirecard, where his superiors in Aschheim were probably not too unhappy about his departure. Since he left his post after a rather short period of about one business year, it should be a bit more difficult for him to verify whether the fake invoices were addressed in any way in Aschheim. Even more, Gill collected additional Wirecard information from the company's servers before he quit his job, bundled it with the accounting issues, and forwarded the partly highly confidential and completely unredacted information first to British investigative
It took nearly five months from the time Gill provided the information to the publishing of Dan McCrum's Financial Times article. There is reason to believe that these months were used not only to conduct in-depth research, but also to consult with some of London's many law firms.
journalist Claire Rewcastle Brown, who advised to get in touch with Dan McCrum of the Financial Times in mid-2018. Others are viciously persecuted and even imprisoned for similar actions. For example, Pav's white-haired counterpart Julian Assange, for whom the global mainstream intelligentSZia has been eagerly scanning a Ying-Yang darkened negative for years, it seems - and be it only for movie purposes.

It took nearly five months from the time Gill provided the information to the publishing of Dan McCrum's Financial Times article. There is reason to believe that these months were used not only to conduct in-depth research, but also to consult with some of London's many law firms to discuss potential legal ramifications at an early stage.

When looking back, Pav Gill's sudden magical media appearance at the end of May 2021 were not only the result of massively coordinated mainstream media orchestrations, but may have also been connected to a number of important happenings at or around the German Bundestag parliament back then. On May 18, 2021, exactly 11 months after Wirecard's collapse and almost exactly when the Financial Times had unveiled Pav for the first time to the global public, Germany's banking authority BaFin had published its annual report for the year 2020. BaFin did not suggest many structural reorganisations for itself, but instead referred to a new law Germany's Bundestag was about to introduce soon - with far reaching implications. The Financial Market Integrity Strengthening Act, or FISG, was voted on in the German parliament on May 20, 2021, almost exactly the same day that the Financial Times first introduced Pav Gill.

When browsing FISG, one is surprised about some of the flat-out basic measures enacted only in 2021 to regulate Germany's financial markets and institutions. A good 75 years, financial oversight must indeed have been more than sloppy for all of Germany. The public meanwhile was distracted by Pav Gill's sudden appearence at the perfect moment. This was even more crucial for those interviewed during the last weeks of the Wirecard investigational committee in Berlin.

In early May 2021, two weeks before Pav Gill was revealed to the public, an EY forensic accountant told the Wirecard committee that he could not provide any details about the numerous Wirecard audits for reasons of business confidentiality. His interrogation was followed by that of Jan Marsalek's personal secretary. On May 7, 2021, Bruno Kahl, the president of the German Foreign Intelligence Service BND was questioned, who bluntly told the committee that "there were no visible signs of money laundering at Wirecard prior to 2020"; in his opinion, it was "impossible for the BND to recognize the criminal behavior there in advance". On May 21, 2021, another EY auditor cited privacy reasons for not answering the committee's questions. Early June 2021, the head of the German Financial Intelligence Unit (FIU) was invited, plus the key Wirecard prosecutor from Munich. Lo and behold, at the beginning of the interrogation of Munich's public prosecutor Baeumler-Hoesl on June 8, 2021, the committee announced via the social media platform X that the Bundestag hall's audio and video systems had allegedly failed. As a result, no transcript could be made, it is also missing from the Committee's final report, which was finalized on June 22, 2021.

Pav Gill is Chief Legal Officer at Zipmex, a digital assets platform. Prior to moving in-house, Pav worked at Allen & Overy, Clifford Chance, and King & Spalding, where he advised governments, banks and multinational corporations (MNCs) on international capital markets transactions. article about Pav Gill from May 2022

All these piquant testimonies and events were also literally buried under the magical global appearance of Pav Gill one month before the final report of the Bundestag committee. So was the fact that London is a magical center of various incidents around Pav Gill. Sky Cinema's documentary "A Billion Dollar Lie" was announced in mid September 2020 by none other than the 'Royal Television Society' - patroned by King Charles personally. A rather prominent German film team was carefully selected, which managed to have the film ready for deployment exactly on May 20, 2021. Sky Group is a British company, headquartered in London, and was purchased in 2018 by USA-based media giant Comcast.

London and the UK is also where Pav Gill spent a lot of time when he was growing up in Singapore with his single mother. It is Pav himself who explained to an Asian celebrity magazine that he was regularly sent overseas to the UK for extended stays with relatives there. He is also explicit about how watching his mother study law influenced his decision to study it himself later. His first job after graduating in 2008 was with the law firm Allen & Overy, probably in Singapore. He then switched to Clifford & Chance. Gill's first two law firm employers are part of an elusive ring of five London-headquartered multinational law firms nicknamed the "Magic Circle". They outperform most other law offices and were once part of the "Club of Nine", broken up in around 2000.

Gill made another career move to King & Spalding, a so-called 'Revolving Door Firm' for former government officials who move in and out of the firm between high-level government appointments. For example, former US Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein joined King & Spalding in early 2020. Pav Gill, mostly likely working out of Singapore for his third law firm, "advised governments, banks and multinational corporations (MNCs) on international capital markets transactions", according to a legal services provider website.

Another interesting law firm is part of that magic circle in London as well: Linklaters, which is mentioned in a strange London court proceeding surrounding Wirecard's alleged round-tripping involving Hermes Ticket and a Mauritius-based investment fund called EMIF. The latter relied on Linklaters lawyers from Moscow in that Wirecard-related court process. The High Court of London judge had the viable claims dismissed mainly by stating not much else than that the defendants had hired lawyers from Linklaters.

Moscow, in turn, is connected to a company where Pav Gill worked before he was recruited by someone at Wirecard - probably Burkhard Ley or Andrea Görres. Gill worked for a company called GoBear before he was hired by the order of Aschheim. GoBear is an internet startup that was founded in 2015 and raised a total of €100 million in funding, mostly from the wealthy private equity firm Walvis Participates of the Dutch entrepreneurial family Fentener van Vlissingen and Netherlands-based insurance company AEGON. Their initial online insurance comparison site never really took off, nor did the wide range of financial services offered by Founding CEO Andre Hesselink stepped down from his position in July 2018 and was called back to the Netherlands. once partnered with Allianz to provide white-label solutions for the travel industry. The company is now run by a CEO from Moscow, Ukrainians work there as well -'s domain name is currently registered in Kiev. Given's disappointing performance so far, it seems strange that Pav Gill, who worked for the startup in a Senior Legal Advisor role, was selected in 2017 to lead Wirecard's legal efforts for the entire Asia-Pacific region.

After leaving his position at Wirecard, Pav Gill would become Chief Legal Officer at one of South Asia's largest crypto ecospheres called Zipmex in early 2021, a perfect digital place to get ample support for a new start. He also decided not to stay at Zipmex too long: in 2023, Pav Gill started his own company with a business plan to make money from and with whistleblowers.

In mid November 2023, newly 'Confide' business owner Pav Gill as well as the Financial Times' much rewarded hero-journalist Dan McCrum attended a two-days business event called MSP Global in Germany. Main sponsor of the event was a company named Acronis, based in beautiful Switzerland. A major investor into Acronis is Switzerland based Monterosa Group, Acronis has also strong ties with Monterosa Services AG. Both Monterosa's are extensively covered in detail in a separate article about Wirecard and other important related topics. As with the purchase of Crypto AG's successor CyOne by Monterosa Group, almost all press releases about the strong ties between Acronis and Monterosa have been deleted from the web. Acronis partner Monterosa Services AG is alleged to have been involved in siphoning off at least €340 million from Wirecard's bank accounts before its insolvency in 2020, authorities mostly from Munich have so far refused to have Monterosa's offices searched, despite multiple motions filed during the Wirecard court proceeding.

Pav Gill's rather brief stint at South Asian crypto firm Zipmex also had some interesting aspects. A little after Pav Gill's employment there as Chief Legal Officer, none other than John Hempton dialed in. The famous short seller from Down Under was one of the first to ask Financial Times hero journalist Dan McCrum as early as in mid 2014 if he would be interested in "some German gangsters" at Wirecard. In November 2022, a few months before the end of Pav Gill's employment at Zipmex, Hempton's firm Bronte Capital would suddenly announce that the company was allegedly insolvent. Zipmex denied such claims, its share price went downhill anyway.

Exactly one year earlier, in November 2021, Zipmex had received a total of $41 million in a Series-B investment round led by none other than Monterosa Group. Almost all the press releases about these spicy incidents have been deleted from the Internet, those that remain are distractions, "welcoming" others who have invested along with the Monterosa Group - which provided the major part of the investment.

All of this was certainly never even slighty talked about after Pav Gill's and Dan McCrum's magic presentation at the November 2023 event next to Germany's famous race track Nuerburgring.

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This article was entirely created and written by Martin D., an accredited and independent, investigative journalist from Europe. He holds an MBA from a US University and a Bachelor Degree in Information Systems and had worked early in his career as a consultant in the US and EU. He does not work for, does not consult, does not own shares in or receives funding from any corporation or organisation that would benefit from this article so far.

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A Munich Fraud

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About Wirecard's financial auditors and the chess game

Back To The Wirecard

About the roots of the insolvent German payment provider

BaFin The Thirteenth

An April 13th day at the Wirecard investigational committee

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