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Thirteen Months
About two Wikileaks indictments and the US dollar bill
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Thirteen Months

Thirteen is considered an unlucky number in many cultures. An extremely irrational, superstitious fear of anything associated with the number 13 even has its own name: triskaidekaphobia. People with this phobia go so far as to avoid rooms and floors with the number 13. Thus, in some buildings around the world, the 13th floor does not exist. On the other hand, thirteen is also considered by many to be a lucky number. Jewish boys, for example, celebrate their bar mitzvah arrival to religious preparation when they are 13 years old. The US one dollar bill hides 13 times the number 13, a hint to the initial founding 13 US States. Also, rock superstar Taylor Swift's handle on the social media platform X adds a seemingly insignificant 13 to her full name.


Thirteen is also pretty much the number of months between two infamous indictments from 2018 until May of 2019, issued by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), that form the basis of Wikileaks founder Julian Assange's years-long imprisonment.

Before 2018, Assange was being persecuted primarily out of the city of Gothenburg by a Swedish prosecutor named Marianne Ny for an alleged "rape" of two women in August 2010 that even more allegedly took place in or near Stockholm. However, in Stockholm in August 2010, Assange had already been cleared of all alleged "rape charges" by none other than Chief Prosecutor Eva Finne. Perhaps because of this, the entire case was swiftly transferred back then to Sweden's west coast, far away from Stockholm, and reopened there a month later. The new Gothenburg prosecutor since threw about thirteen evil tricks and treats on the legal plate - the many scandalous happenings surrounding the Gothenburg persecutions have been thoroughly investigated by now,

Gothenburg's Prosecutor Marianne Ny
including with FOIA documents.

In 2017, the Swedish prosecutor would announce during the rather short-lived but extremely happy Swedish May springtime mood that the case against Assange would be closed. One would have expected that similar blooming moods began flourishing all throughout the US Justice Department in May of 2017, but instead dark clouds swiftly began to assemble over Washington, DC at that time.

Months earlier, Donald Trump was inaugurated as America's 45th president. The rather invisible US state apparatus gathered in Washington, DC, and launched one attack after another to swiftly get rid of Trump in the White House. A now debunked Russia collusion narrative was pushed, with Trump even alleged to have been a spy for Russia, under a globally orchestrated mainstream media drumbeat.
A special investigator was appointed to look into the highly alleged collusion of Trump's political campaign with Russia at about the exact same time that the alleged "rape" case against Julian Assange was closed for the second time in Gothenburg.
A special investigator or counsel was appointed to look into the highly alleged collusion of Trump's political campaign with Russia at about the exact same time the alleged "rape" case against Julian Assange was closed for the second time in Gothenburg, as in Stockholm before.

On May 17, 2017, exactly two days before prosecutor Marianne Ny would officially close the case against Julian Assange in Gothenburg, Sweden, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, second highest US Department of Justice position after US Attorney General Jeff Sessions, officially appointed Robert S. Mueller III, a former FBI director, as special counsel to oversee the investigation into alleged ties between President Trump’s campaign and Russian officials. Usually, the Attorney General takes up the task to select such a crucial special counsel appointment, but strangely, Jeff Sessions recused himself from that project and handed over this responsibility to Rod Rosenstein who in turn appointed long-time friend Robert Mueller of the just fired FBI Director James Comey.

Rod Rosenstein, James Comey, and also Robert Mueller were not really friends of the newly elected president Donald Trump. In fact, they were plotting from way before Trump's inauguration to have him be potentially extortable or dependent on his justice and intel organisations. Trump refused to do so, and was targeted right from the beginning in return for maintaining his independence.

Once Robert Mueller began his fishing expedition into former Trump associates, lawyers and family members with his highly Democrat partisan high-profile lawyer team - among them alleged "poster boy for prosecutorial misconduct" Andrew Weissman - the Trump White House had a US Congressman named Dana Rohrabacher reach out to Julian Assange in August of 2017 with an offer for the potential of a presidential pardon. Assange was asked to make a statement that Russia was not behind the DNC hacking from 2016 and also reveal his source for the hacked Clinton emails - a scandal which unveiled shortly before the 2016 US elections with massive implications into Trump's entire presidency.

Apparently, Rohrabacher and Assange could not reach an agreement, because another half year later, on March 6, 2018, the very anti-Trump US Department of Justice would issue a first sealed indictment against Julian Assange. The date of this indictment is interesting because only three weeks before, Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein himself had personally addressed the public. In a rather bogus indictment against various Russian companies and individuals that attracted massive media attention, Rosenstein claimed that a smaller number of individuals with "hundreds of fake social media accounts" mostly from St. Petersburg, Russia, were able to conduct "information warfare" against the entire US political system and interfere in the free US elections. No one was arrested, as the indicted individuals all resided in Russia. Indicted Russian companies managed to have their case dismissed later, along with Rosenstein's viable but also high-flying accusations at the time.

Rod Rosenstein indictment announcement from February 16, 2018

Maybe these pumped up prosecutorial claims were arranged also with the help of Rod Rosenstein's wife Lisa Barsoomian. A daugther of Armenian immigrants, she was a well-known lawyer at R. Craig Lawrence in Washington, DC, which helped Hillary Clinton from 1997 until 2017, as well as Bill Clinton, Barrack Obama, James Comey and even Robert Mueller in a large number of legal disputes and issues.

The incidents surrounding the hacking of Hillary Clinton's political campaign computer servers at

Tracy Doherty-McCormick
the 'Democratic National Committee' or DNC are important to mention at this moment because they marked the ignition of long lasting projections onto Russia to deflect from mostly serious self-sabotage for political gain. In June 2016, a software company called 'CrowdStrike' was brought into the DNC to investigate the hacks after it was announced that the servers had been compromised and emails stolen. Official statements by CrowdStrike's CEO later showed that there was evidence that a hack had been "staged", but never proven to have truly happened, let alone by Russian hackers. From an independent forensic technical perspective, many could have been able to exfiltrate the Clinton emails from the DNC servers.

A closer look at the individuals at the US Department of Justice responsible for the indictments against Julian Assange reveals additional entanglements. The sealed March 6, 2018 indictment was issued by the District Court for the Eastern District of Virginia,
The US Attorney's Office began assembling the federal grand jury at the exact same time when Trump's nightmare Special Counsel Robert Mueller had finished his investigation with little to no evidence of Trump's alleged criminal campaign and associates' ties to Russia.
a court historically known for the speed with which it handles cases - it is nicknamed Rocket Docket. Responsible for the detailed contents of the Assange indictments there is a prosecutor named Tracy Doherty-McCormick. She is a First Assistant US Attorney and key to the prosecution. Doherty-McCormick, supported by Joe Biden, maintains a low public profile. She is married with two children, has a brother and a sister, values family life (!), and enjoys running and marathons.

Approximately 13 months after the first sealed indictment from the Eastern District of Virginia's rocket docket, the US Attorney's Office of the same rocket docket would carefully assemble and impanel a federal grand jury around April 2019. By early May 2019, Wikileaks had already published on its website that a US federal grand jury was conducting investigations. Finally, on May 23, 2019, this federal grand jury returned to the prosecution with a superseding indictment against Julian Assange.

Interestingly, the US Attorney's Office in Eastern Virginia began assembling the federal grand jury at the exact same time in April 2019 that Trump's nightmare Special Counsel Robert Mueller had finished his investigation with little to no evidence of Trump's alleged criminal campaign and associates' ties to Russia. After two years of investigation, more than $30 million spent on 19 lawyers, 40 FBI agents, over 2,800 subpoenas, 500 search warrants, 13 requests to foreign countries, and more than 500 witnesses interviewed, Mueller's team members made good money for themselves,

Zachary Terwilliger
but were unable to prove in any way that Russia and Trump had stolen Hillary Clinton's emails and thus her planned 2016 election victory.

Even more, the superseding indictment against Julian Assange was also signed on May 23, 2019 by Zachary Terwilliger, US Attorney for the Eastern District of Virginia, who was nominated for his position by two US Democrat Senators. US Attorney Terwilliger was, and probably still is, also close to former Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein. FOIA documents with meeting schedules for April 26, 2017 at the Department of Justice building in Washington, DC show that Terwilliger had a 30-minute briefing with Rosenstein and career prosecutor Jim Crowell already before Rosenstein was sworn in as the new Deputy Attorney General by Jeff Sessions.

US Attorney Zachary Terwilliger gets briefed by Rod Rosenstein on April 26, 2017

Terwilliger would also travel with Rod Rosenstein during the Jewish Purim 2018 holidays - explicitly mentioned in Rosenstein's FOIA meeting minutes for the early days of March - to San Diego, California, for a border visit there. He would be next to Rod Rosenstein in a total of 20 meetings or events in sunny California on March 1st and 2nd of 2018. On Saturday, March 3, 2018, Rod Rosenstein was back home, attending a dinner with his wife Lisa Barsoomian at The Gridiron Club and Foundation at The Renaissance in Washington, DC.

On Monday, March 5, 2018, one day prior to Assange's first sealed US indictment, Rosenstein had a meeting with Attorney General Jeff Sessions at lunchtime. He would have a Cabinet Level Cyber Briefing at the National Cybersecurity & Communications Cente in Arlington, VA - not too far from the Virginia's Eastern Rocket Docket - only to return directly to Jeff Sessions' office at 4pm. US Attorney Zerwilliger would be personally briefed in a pre-meeting with Rosenstein an hour later at 5:15pm. On the eve of the DOJ's official issueing of

FOIA Calendar
DAG Rosenstein 2018
Julian Assange's sealed indictment, the first high-ranking officials would dial into Rosenstein's office.

At 8pm on March 5, 2018, Rosenstein would have a talk with US Attorney John Huber and a certain Richard Moore, most likely the one working as a cybersecurity expert at the DHS, not UK's Sir Richard Moore. We have been reaching out to Mr. Moore but have not received a response yet. Utah's US Attorney John Huber was probably notified back then by Rosenstein about Jeff Sessions' decision to look into Republican claims of FBI misconduct regarding the Trump investigation, and also if more should be done to investigate Hillary Clinton's ties to Russian nuclear agency ROSATOM. The next day, March 6, 2018, Chairman of the US House intelligence committee Devin Nunes would dial into Rosenstein's office, as well as North Carolina's Congressman Mark Meadows.

Rep. Louie Gohmert at a US House Judiciary Committee oversight hearing on November 14, 2017

Nunes and Meadows may have been trying to discuss Rosenstein's next steps regarding the scandalous FISA revelations made just a few weeks earlier. On February 2, 2018, a damaging memorandum for the FBI regarding illegal FISA approvals was released through Nunes that made serious allegations against senior FBI and Justice Department officials, as well as the author of the infamous anti-Trump dossier Christopher Steele. A few days later, US-Senators Graham and Grassley criminally referred several high-ranking members of the DOJ, as well as Hillary Clinton herself, to Rod Rosenstein. On February 8, 2018, a former FBI informant had the opportunity to testify before US Congressional committees and explain how Russian money was allegedly funneled into the Clinton Foundation in return for support of the nuclear energy giant ROSATOM, this mostly through a company named APCO Global. It is also worth noting that the DNC had filed a lawsuit against Wikileaks and the Trump campaign on April 20, 2018, which was dismissed by a judge in New York in July of 2019.

Also in 2019, another strange coincidence occurred exactly one day after the release of the superseding indictment against Julian Assange. With breathtakingly perfect timing, on May 24, 2019, four weeks after Rod Rosenstein had submitted his resignation and only less than 24 hours after the superseding indictment was distributed to the world, none other than Robert Swan Mueller III. would be finally given the opportunity to appear at a US House judiciary committee hearing to present in a gigantic media spectacle a summary of his investigational findings as outlined in the bogus 400-pages Mueller Report, and answer lawmakers' questions.

Much like the missing 13th floors in various buildings, no one had asked a single question about the indictment against Julian Assange released the day before. And less so about the sealed indictment around 13 months prior to that.

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This article was entirely created and written by Martin D., an accredited and independent, investigative journalist from Europe. He holds an MBA from a US University and a Bachelor Degree in Information Systems and had worked early in his career as a consultant in the US and EU. He does not work for, does not consult, does not own shares in or receives funding from any corporation or organisation that would benefit from this article so far.

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