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Foi quando meu personagem foi feito
Como o bilionário George Soros pretende salvar nossas sociedades civis
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At the World Economic Forum 2017 in Davos, George Soros, an ex-billionaire and controversial public figure against who some European governments are in a legal battle over his influencing, funding and/or owning of many NGOs, associations and organizations trying to destabilize democratically elected governments, had read a statement.

According to George Soros, "the attempts of the Hungarian government to discredit the civil society and to intimidate it" are "unacceptable" - he spoke of a "serious danger".

The 86 year old ex-fund-manager who himself was born in Budapest, seems to now want to dedicate himself to serving in politics, and to the well being of human mankind. Some people might argue that this was not the case for a long time during his life, because traumatic events have shaped his character at the age of 14.

In a re-released video whose publication George Soros had tried to prevent, an in-depth perspective about Soros is being portrayed - motivations which most likely had a strong impact on his past lifetime:

Journalist: "You are a Hungarian Jew who escaped the Holocaust by posing as a, a Christian. And you watched lots of people get shipped off to the death camps."
Soros: "Right. I was 14 years old ... and I would say that that's when my character was made."
Journalist: "In what way ?"
Soros: "That one should think ahead, that one should understand and anticipate events and what is threatened, it was a tremendous threat, of evil, I mean. It was a very personal experience of evil."
Journalist: "My understanding is that you went out with this protector of yours, who swore that you were his adopted godson. Went out in fact and helped him in the confiscation of property from the Jews."
Soros: "That's right."
Journalist: "I mean that sounds like an experience that would send lots of people to the psychiatric couch for many, many years. Was it difficult ?"
Soros: "Not at all. Maybe as a child you don't see the connection but it created no problem at all."
Journalist: "No feeling of guilt ?"
Soros: "No."
Journalist: "For example, that I'm Jewish and here I am watching these people go, I could just as easily be there, I should be there. None of that ?"
Soros: "Well ... of course I could be on the other side, could be the one from whom it could ... the thing is being taken away ... But, there was no sense that I shouldn't be there ... because that was ... well, actually, in a funny way, it's just like in markets, that, if I weren't there, of course I wasn't doing it, but somebody else would, would be taking it away anyhow, whether I was there or not, I was only a spectator. The property was being taken away. I had no role in taking away that property. So I had no sense of guilt."
Journalist: "Are you religious ?"
Soros: "No."
Journalist: "Do you believe in God ?"
Soros: "No."
Soros: "Actually, the President Mandela asked me: 'How could South Africa protect itself against speculators like you.' And I told him, I wrote him a memo, trying to give him the best advise I could, how to reduce the exposure of South Africa to speculative attack."
Journalist: "That's the old stop-me-before-I-kill-again-approach, right ? We're telling, this is what you can do to stop."
Soros: "Whether I or somebody else does whatever is happening in the markets really doesn't make any difference to the outcome. I don't feel guilty, because I'm engaged in an amoral activity which is not meant to have anything to do with guilt."
Journalist: "Why is it that Americans can't invest in the Quantum Fund ? That's an offshore fund. Why is that ?"
Soros: "Because the fund is not registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission., we are not."
Journalist: "Licensed to do business in the United States."
Soros: "That's right."
Journalist: "Because ?"
Soros: "Because we are not registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission, because we find it more convenient to operate without it."
Journalist: "So, in some ways it's to escape regulations ?"
Soros: "Yes, that's right."
Journalist: Pause ... "But you've been sitting here talking about the need for regulations ?"
Soros: "Yes, and whatever regulations are imposed we ... we already conform to everything."

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Este artigo é inteiramente criado e escrito por Martin D., um jornalista de investigação acreditado e independente da Europa. Tem um MBA de uma Universidade dos EUA e um Bacharelato em Sistemas de Informação e trabalhou no início da sua carreira como consultor nos EUA e na UE. Ele não trabalha para, não consulta, não possui acções ou não recebe financiamento de qualquer empresa ou organização que beneficiaria deste artigo até à data.

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