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Alla Senast Teman Arkiv

Politiska skandaler

Tretton månader

Om två Wikileaks-åtal och den amerikanska dollarsedeln


Om konsultorganisationer och historien om Tysklands hemliga huvudstad

Inbördeskriget 2.0

Om franska upplopp och virtuella revolutioner

Ryssland Projektion Stream 2

Om sabotage av en nordisk gasledning och munkar från Polen


Om Wikileaks förföljelser och svensk Knullkompis

The Doha-Agreement

About a peace plan for Afghanistan

BaFin The Thirteenth

An April 13th day at the Wirecard investigational committee


About a Germanic Wirecard Poker

The Demagog Press-Coup

About a journalistic Austrian putsch from Germany

A Crowded Strike

About Crowdstrike and ill-led IT analyses


Mount Interim

Om en interim-CEO för Wirecard på ett schweiziskt rosenberg

Den stora orkestern

Om Wirecards aktiekurs och delfiner mot hajar

Berget Wirecard

Om Swiss Wirecards förvecklingar och resterna av Crypto AG

Den tredje mannen

Om Wirecards tillförordnade VD James Freis och snygga skor

Deflective Attorneys

About a five hours Wirecard indictment

Sifu Aikido

Om en bayersk krigsrättsskandal och riddare från Jerusalem

The Useless Bowls

About Snow White and the FC Bayern Munich

The Sounds of Silence

About flight MH370 and radio waves

One Damn American Thing After Another

About William Barr and Dominion Energy

Back To The Wirecard

About the roots of the insolvent German payment provider

Skandaler i medierna

The Sounds of Silence

About flight MH370 and radio waves

From Washington with Love

About an American indictment and the Church in England

Blaming Russia with Boomerang

About the biggest political scandal in the history of the United States

A part of that power which eternally wills evil and eternally works good

About Barcelona, Charlottesville, Media-Mephistos and Chelsea Clinton

Mario and the Magician

The German hypnotising news about the US-President

The hypnosis show up two

About a more than influencing German news program

Teen Spirits

About Jeffrey Epstein and a book named Lolita

The Sue-gle Giant

About diverse practises of the Internet giant Google



Om taiwanesiska halvledartrianglar i Europa

Inbördeskriget 2.0

Om franska upplopp och virtuella revolutioner

Intelligent försvarsmateriel

Om Palantirs Gotham AI och underrättelsetjänsternas historia

Chip Reversal

Om taiwanesisk halvledartillverkning och tandkräm

The Touchmaps

Player analysis for Paris final

The Internet of Nano Things

About a potential biological-technical wave


The solid lipid nano particles of mRNA vaccines

The Sue-gle Giant

About diverse practises of the Internet giant Google

The Fifth Generation

About how mobile phones could turn into potential killer weapons

Many, many small slaughterbots

About a dangerously real scenario

Skydd av barn

The Lodge

About the tension between mainstream media and conspiracy theory

The Kinder-Robber-Klan

About a Munich justice scandal and corrupt advocates for children

Teen Spirits

About Jeffrey Epstein and a book named Lolita

Uncle Joe's Cabin

About Joe Biden's corruption scandals and the beginning of the civil war


Om björnar från London och Wirecard-mål

Magisk Pav

Om en visselblåsare från Wirecard och magiska advokatbyråer


Om en Wirecard-frigivning av en fånge och Franz Kafkas oavslutade verk

Ett sydöstligt Blitzkrieg

Om Tysklands inbördeskrig och ursprunget till termen Blitzkrieg

Den stora orkestern

Om Wirecards aktiekurs och delfiner mot hajar


Om konsultorganisationer och historien om Tysklands hemliga huvudstad

Wirecard Court Halvtid

Cirka sju månader i München Stadelheim och miraklet i Bern

Jag må vara Karl Marx, men jag är inte marxist

Om preussiska förföljelser och Pariskommunen från 1871

Pandoras ask

Om Wirecards IT-arkitekturer

Ryssland Projektion Stream 2

Om sabotage av en nordisk gasledning och munkar från Polen


Paris, vi älskar dig

Om en turistupplevelse i kärlekens stad

The Deconstructionalists

About far-reaching destructive philosophy from France

The women´s Vatican

About the feminine manipulations of the Vatican elites

Looking-glass against the wall

Who is most unreflective of us all?

What Really Happened

About Hillary Clintons latest book - and about what else had happened

Make Women Great Again

About the never ending feminine manipulations from leftish politicians

Sifu Aikido

Om en bayersk krigsrättsskandal och riddare från Jerusalem

The Thing With the Bread

About pyramid priesthoods and the history of bread

The Doha-Agreement

About a peace plan for Afghanistan

The Health Apostel

About Dr. Fauci and Jesuit formations

The Art of Deception

About Michelangelo and The Sixtine Chapel

An urgently needed Pope change

About pervert attitudes and productive dialogues


About the connection between Pope Francis and George Soros

Pilgrimage to Jerusalem

A short story on ecumenism

Letter to Luther

Addressee unknown return to sender


What If ?

About Dominion Software Systems and a US election fraud

A Ukrainian history lession

Two revolutions and the US State Department

A Populism from Munich

About mental garbage from the German establishment

A Top Gun Year

An honest look back at the 2017 fake news media and US democrats tactics

An image full of wonders

About stars, missing pigments, and digital 1600 pixel per square millimeter zooms

We are saying 'Merry Christmas' again

An according to Pope Francis only wall building 'un-christ', talking about the protection of religion

The Filternet

Meet the dumb EU filter by the name Phil

Make Women Great Again

About the never ending feminine manipulations from leftish politicians

A Decisive Help

About a strategic help for a battled world and its confused leaders

A Chinese Dragon

About political interferences in the US from the far East


A tragic bishop from Munich

About A.I. and the church social romantics

Letter to Luther

Addressee unknown return to sender

The women´s Vatican

About the feminine manipulations of the Vatican elites

Hebrew or Greek ?

About the differences of two cultures

Looking-glass against the wall

Who is most unreflective of us all?

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